Xiborg ν
Xiborg ν is a sports prosthesis for top athletes, born from the analysis of the running of four members of Xiborg. The Xiborg ν is the successor to the Xiborg Genesis, introduced in 2016, and has a more manageable shape due to its center of gravity being at the top, while still having the propulsive force generated by the large deformation. The shape is more manageable due to its center of gravity being at the top. Development organization: Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute, OSPO, Xiborg athletes: Jun Haruta, Keita Sato (Toyota Motor Corporation), Jyusei Ikeda, Jarryd Wallace Xiborg ν2, which has a higher attachment point to the socket, as Jyusei Ikeda model Xiborg ν2 was developed in cooperation with Suruga Bank, Ltd.
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